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Thursday, August 14, 2008

Jalan-jalan ke MAHA

Pada sapa yang tak tahu apa itu is Malaysia Agriculture, Horticulture & Agrotourism Show. This event this year held from 12-23 August 2008. Kat Mardi Serdang. Sanggup tu ambik cuti on 13/8/08.

As some of you all know, me and hubby are planning to operate our own biz focusing in agriculture sector. Why agriculture?? To me, I look at it to many potential. Huge potential. even some peaople may look at it quite a dirty job but to me, I don't know. It is just suit to my soul. Eventually, I start the idea and share it to my hubby. Alhamdulillah..he bought the idea aand agreed to do it together. So, my vision in the next 5 years, we have operated and own multiple type of agriculture sector.

Our focus on that exhibition is totally carik supplier for our cattle farm. Tapi frust sikit sebab this year to many sheep and goat suplliers booths instead of cattle. However, a lot of info and we at last found what we want. Insya allah, tak ada aral, by early week of puasa, we will make a deal with that guy.

During the exhibit, we found new opportunity in biz. Sarang burung layang2. Eventhough bukan cerita baru, tapi from this exhibit baru I know how the prcess and the important is how much is the RETURN of INVESTMENT..$$$$$$$$. Not bad. Very the vaaa potential! Labur tak lah byk sgt. dalam 250K. You can have back your investment in 2 yrs. So..kerana berminat sgt, hubby pun daftar dah kursus. Wah..macam tak sabar jer nak buat biz ni..

Another suprising info that I get during this exhibit is, we all baru dapat tahu ada anak Melayu and Islam and M'sian ada establised 3000acre land for cattle farm at Darwin Australia..Wahhhhhhhhh, i am sooooo impressive! I did plan to have this kind of farm in o/seas. But my target in Holland. (berangan kan aku ni???). Bangga bila tahu hal ni. (tapi kenapa ramai tak tahu ye??) Howevr, if i want stock from this co., kena order minimum 1200 cattles order..mampus..kalau ikut market untuk cattles shj dah cost me Rm 1.8m. Sesak nafas aku type amount tu..mana cukup lagi!! Tuggu..give me 3 more years to deal for that!

Well, overall this time exhibition more organised compared last 2 years. We all terpaksa ambil cuti sebab tak nak bawak ain. Kalau bawak dia, kesian sgt sebab panas and jauh nak berjalan. So tinggalkan dia kat baby sitter house.

We all jumpa kawan my hubby bukak booth jual ayam serama. I did not know the ayam is sooo pricey..Ada yang sampai price Rm4.5k. Dah tu, semua sold out!! Oooo, baru aku tau. Tapi tidak lah aku nak beli..for that amount lebih baik aku gi jalan2 kan.??

So..pada sesapa rasa nak cari potential biz, boleh lah pegi exhibit daily from above date 10am-7pm

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