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Friday, September 7, 2007

Think Positive

Ha...HAPPY 50 YEARS MALAYSIA!!!!!. It's great that we are living in in dependant country!

Well today, I am having lunch with my staff. When I looked at him, I realised he like carrying 1001 burdens. His face looked so miserable! I asked him whats wrong with you? He agreed with me! One by one he started telling his problems. And I am concentrating listening to what his says........

From his stories, I conclude 1 thing. The main reason his face looked so miserable not much because of the problem..but more on he blaming other people for the problems that he had!

Just a little advise from me..I also learned this therapy from someone else! THINK POSITIVE! Take any problem that comes to you as CHALLENGE! Imagine if a lil' baby take the walking step as a problem NOT a challenge? Forever and ever that baby will not stand up straight! How about if you blaming your tummy why its hungry? You will never enjoy your meal!

Forgive anyone that probably unintentionally involve in your problem situation. Move up! Think positive.